Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More about DTN's Phase Two (The Loyalty Network)

Programs are being developed for the Phase Two ,which will be the Business Loyalty Program. In this program will be thousands of businesses from all over South Africa who will join the loyalty program and commit a % of profit to DTN.
 Members will receive a DTN Loyalty Card and all sales at these Business Loyalty Partners will be logged and members will get a sms on their cell phones to confirm that their purchases have been registered. All these Business Referral Commissions, as it will be known, will then be paid to DTN who will divide it equally into the members 5 level structure.
Members will thus be earning Business Referral Commissions from their downlines daily shopping in their 5 level team from all over South Africa and who they do not even know. People will never stop buying and spending money, so this is an income that you can be assured of for many years to come and monthly more and more businesses will be added. On the Phase 1 side you are earning 6 streams of commissions including Travel Cash into your Travel Card monthly as well as from Phase 2 the Business Referral Commissions. By October 2011 Phase 3 will be added which is already being planned.
VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW NOW:  DTN is in the PHASE 1 and  a fully fledged network marketing business with the Travel Basket as product of value. 
But Phase one will end on 31 January 2011 and the new phase will start on 16 February 2011.

Maybe you might  know about the ‘Stockvel’ concept used by some ethnic groups in SA as well as how our Indian community works together for all to succeed. These are ways of working together and all helping all to be successful and all of us must learn from those ‘working together’ concepts from our fellow South Africans and make that part of the DTN concept. Phase TWO that is being developed now is exactly one of these ways in which people are going to come in, do their normal purchases and have 5 levels benefit from that.


  1. Hi there,

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  2. Hey Jesse, Thanx for visiting my blog. I am following you on all 3 your blogs. Take care!
